IA Launches Series of Industry Benchmarking Surveys for 2023 - Industry News
IA Launches Series of Industry Benchmarking Surveys for 2023

IA Launches Series of Industry Benchmarking Surveys for 2023

Fulfilling its role as an objective source of information for the market research and consumer insights industry, the Insights Association has coordinated the launch of three benchmarking surveys.

The deadline to complete the following surveys is May 24.

All data will be kept in strict confidence.

The 2023 Insights & Analytics Market & Top 50 Report
Each year, the size and annual growth rate of the U.S. Insights & Analytics market is established with this data. Eagerly anticipated and often cited, this report has a 49-year history and is published by IA in partnership with Michigan State University, Outsell, Inc., and ESOMAR. Included will be a list (ranked by 2022 U.S. revenue) of the Top 50 Insights & Analytics companies; the top IA member market research firms also will be listed. Don’t be left out!
Access Survey
Once completed, please upload your survey here. 


The IA Compensation Survey
Freshly redesigned, the new format takes substantially less time to complete. Unique to our profession and invaluable to your planning, the easy-to-read report provides comparisons to firms of similar size for a wide array of industry-specific positions across various levels of seniority. Only participating companies will receive the final report at no cost. This survey is administered by IA and Vault Consulting, an independent firm specializing in association accounting and research. Please complete EITHER this request, OR the IA Diversity Survey request below, which combines both Compensation and Diversity metrics.
Access Survey
Once completed, please upload your survey here. 

The IA Diversity Survey
Among the charges of IA’s IDEA Council is to measure the demographic makeup of our U.S. profession and set goals for improving diversity. To pinpoint our industry’s current place and track progress, it is essential for you to participate in this survey. Data will be aggregated and reported in totals only. Companies may then privately assess how they compare to the benchmarks established through this project. Please complete EITHER this request, OR the IA Compensation Survey request above, which excludes the Diversity metrics.

If you are completing both the Compensation Survey & the Diversity Survey, please complete both Tabs 1 & 2.
Access Survey

Once completed, please upload your survey(s) here.  

Because these surveys focus on similar information and the same team member(s) may be involved, IA is coordinating their launch and time in the field. We strongly encourage you to participate as we are confident that the reports rendered will provide unique and valuable assistance for your company and our profession. Thank you!




