To make advancements within the insights profession, work will include: Building a common and current lexicon, hosting community dialogue, expanding representation of marginalized groups at organizations and events, supporting education and career advancement, developing pay and organizational diversity and career advancement metrics and benchmarks.
To help ensure truly representative research and mitigate bias within insights and analytics work, there will be cultural competency and literacy education, establishment of sampling and holistic insights best practices, and work to build long-term engagement with research participants in underserved populations. IA member companies are invited to pledge their support for these initiatives.
Companies with greater gender, racial, and ethnic diversity, including in their leadership ranks, outperform their peers – so, these efforts stand to provide real, tangible benefits to IA members. The Council's work also will help business, government, and the media by increasing the volume of accurate and trustworthy information to fuel discussion, understanding and decision making.
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