Insights Association Announces Election of Board Directors - Industry News

Insights Association Announces Election of Board Directors

The Insights Association membership has voted to approve four new members to its Board of Directors. IA board members are nominated via a call for candidates from the Nominating Committee. They are chosen by the Board based on their experience and IA’s strategic goals and approved by the membership using an online approve/do not approve vote.


Kai Fuentes, President & CEO, Ebony Marketing Systems; Katie Gross, Chief Customer Officer, Suzy; Barry Jennings, Director, Cloud and Commercial Business Planning Insights, Microsoft; and Jim Lane, President & CEO, Directions, Inc. will serve two-year terms beginning January 1, 2024. In addition, Scott Beizaie, SVP, General Counsel, Material+ has joined the Board in an Ex-Officio (non-voting) role. Reed Cundiff of Sago and Khary Campbell of Comcast conclude their terms as Directors at Large and move into Ex-Officio seats.


The terms of outgoing Directors Brett Townsend of Quester and Ashlin Quirk of Axiom (and formerly with Dynata) ended on December 31, 2023. We thank them for generously volunteering their time and appreciate their astute guidance and assistance with many important initiatives.


The Directors noted above join the following on the 2024 IA Board:



Chair: Scott Baker, Executive Vice President, Sago 

Chair-Elect: Jackie Chan, Head of Research, Business Messaging, Meta

Treasurer: Tyler McMullen, CEO, MarketVision Research 

Secretary: Alice Butler, Senior Vice President, M/A/R/C Research

Past Chair: Camille Nicita, CEO & Managing Partner, Human8



Tchicaya e.r. Brooks, Founder, TRIBE Insights

Lauren Demar, Chief Sustainability Officer and Global Head of ESG, Ipsos

Michelle Gansle, VP, Global Insights & Analytics, McDonald's

Jing Mertoglu, Global VP Insights and Analytics, Beam Suntory

Terrae Schroeder, Head of Insights & Analytics, Heartland Food Products Group



Tim Hoskins, President, Quester


Welcome to our 2024 Board of Directors! They volunteer extensive time from their already hectic schedules to represent the interests of all members and provide essential guidance and advice for our association. We appreciate their devotion and hard work.



