Master's Programs - MR & Data Analytics

Masters Programs

Insights Association has compiled the following list of U.S. colleges and universities that offer Master’s or Post-Graduate degree programs in market research, consumer insights, and data analytics. This list is updated periodically and may not reflect the entirety of advanced degree options relevant to the industry.

Bentley University

175 Forest Street
Waltham, MA 02452
(781) 891-2108
Degree offered: MS, Marketing Analytics

DePaul University

1 East Jackson Boulevard
DePaul Center Suite 5300
Chicago, IL 60604
(312) 362-8810
Degree offered: MS, Marketing Analysis

City University of New York, Baruch CollegeDePaul University

Office of Graduate Admissions
151 E. 25th Street., Room 820
New York, NY 10010-5585
(646) 312-1300
Degree offered: Master's in Marketing with Concentration in MR

Fairleigh Dickinson University, Silberman College

Florham Campus
Metropolitan Campus
285 Madison Ave Road
Madison, NJ 07940
(973) 443-8905
Degree offered: MBA in Marketing

Hofstra University

126 Hofstra University
Hempstead, New York 11549-1000
(516) 463-4723
Degree offered: MS, Marketing Research

Michigan State University, Broad Graduate School of Management

Department of Marketing
Business College Complex
632 Bogue Street Rm N370
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 432-6389
Degree offered: Master of Science in Marketing Research

Ohio State University

250 University Hall
230 North Oval Mall
Columbus, OH 43210
(614) 292-6031
Degree offered: Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization in Survey Research

Oregon State University, College of Business

443 Austin Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331
(541) 737-5510
Contact MBA, Office of Graduate Programs
Degree offered: MBA in Market Research

Pacific Lutheran University, School of Business

12180 Park Ave S
Tacoma, WA 98447
(253) 535-8570
Mari Peterson, Director of MSMR Program
Degree offered: Master of Science in Marketing Research

Penn State World Campus (Smeal College of Business)

128 Outreach Building
University Park, PA 16802
Degree offered: MS, Marketing Analytics

Rutgers University

Rutgers University
MBA in Marketing Research Insights and Analytics (MRIA)
Office of Graduate Admissions
Rutgers Business School
1 Washington Park, Suite 124
Newark, NJ 07102 USA
Chan Choi, Professor and Department Vice Chair, Marketing
(973) 353-1234
Degree offered: MBA in Marketing Research

Saint Joseph's University

5600 City Ave.
Philadelphia, PA
(610) 660-1690
Degree offered: MS in Marketing, Customer Analytics & Insights

Santa Clara University, Leavey School of Business

School of Business
MBA Office
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA 95053-0001
(408) 554-4500
Degree offered: MBA with MR Concentration

Southern Illinois University, School of Business

1 Hairpin Drive
Edwardsville, IL 62026-0001
(618) 650-2240
Degree offered: Masters of Marketing Research

University of Connecticut, Department of Public Policy

10 Prospect Street, 4th Floor
Hartford Times Building
Hartford, CT 06103
(959) 200-3918
Valerie Rogers, Administrative Program Director
Degree offered: Master of Arts in Survey Research

University of Georgia, Terry College of Business

600 S Lumpkin Street
Athens, GA 30605
Jeanne Taylor, MMR Program Assistant and Graduate Coordinator Assistant
(706) 542-0426
Degree offered: Masters of Marketing Research

Temple University

1803 N. Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Rachel Carr , Associate Director for Specialized Master’s Programs
Degree offered: Masters of Marketing Research & Analytics

University of Maryland, The College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

Joint Program in Survey Methodology
1218 LeFrak Hall
7251 Preinkert Dr.
College Park, MD 20742
(301) 314-7911
Degree offered: MS, Survey Methodology

University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research

Michigan Program in Survey Methodology
426 Thompson Street, Room 4050
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1248
(734) 647-0038
Degree offered: Master's and Ph.D. Programs in Survey Methodology

University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Survey Research and Methodology Program

University of Nebraska-Lincoln
101 Seaton Hall
1525 U Street
P.O. Box 880619
Lincoln, NE 68588-0366
(402) 472-2875
Degree offered: Master's and Ph.D. programs in Survey Research

University of Texas-Arlington, College of Business Administration

Marketing Department
701 S. West Street, Room 234
Box #19469
Arlington, TX 76019-0469
(817) 272-2876
Scott Hanson
Degree offered: Master of Science in MR

University of Wisconsin, A.C. Nielsen Center for Marketing Research

Marketing Department
4191 Grainger Hall
975 University Ave.
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 262-9116
Kristin Branch, Center Director
Degree offered: MBA with Marketing Research specialization

International Business and Marketing Department
3801 W. Temple Ave
Pomona, CA 91768
(909) 869-2288
Dr.Jae Jung, Program Director
Degree offered: Masters of Science in Digital Marketing

Suffolk University, Sawyer School of Business
73 Tremont Street
Boston, MA 02108
Phone: (617) 573-8302

Degree offered: MSM with concentrations in Marketing Analytics, Insights, & Artificial Intelligence