Insights Association Names 2022 Class of Laureates
10 Honored for Exceptional Contributions to the Insights Profession
At its Annual Conference in Philadelphia this week, the Insights Association named the 2022 class of Laureates – the highest level of distinction in its Insights Professional Certification (IPC) program.
Those who hold the Laureate certification are recognized as outstanding members of the insights community, with distinguished careers marked by meaningful contributions that have advanced the profession. This is a lifetime recognition of distinction in the field.
The newly named IPC Laureates are:
- Mario Carrasco, Co-Founder & Principal, ThinkNow
- Kerry Edelstein, President and Founder, Research Narrative, Inc.
- Kai Fuentes, President & CEO, Ebony Marketing Systems
- Jeffrey Henning, Chief Research Officer, Researchscape International
- Srujana Kaddevarmuth, Senior Director, AI Technology, Walmart Global Tech
- Roddy Knowles, VP, Product and Research Innovation, Feedback Loop
- Priscilla McKinney, CEO, Little Bird Marketing
- Katrina Noelle, President of KNow Research; Co-Founder, Scoot Insights
- Denene Rodney, CEO, Zebra Strategies
- David Rothstein, CEO, RTi Research
Laureates were nominated by their peers, chosen by IA’s IPC committee, and approved by the IA board.
“This is such a skilled, accomplished group; each still actively making important contributions to our profession,” commented Melanie Courtright, CEO of the Insights Association. “It’s a pleasure to highlight their devotion and hard work knowing they will continue to inspire the next generation of leaders.”
Certified Laureates agree to lead by example in the areas of ethics and integrity, serve as mentors to less experienced colleagues and students, and fulfill the role of ambassador for the industry and the Insights Association. Laureates will be listed on the IA website as a resource to IA members seeking support and guidance.
About the Author
Art oversees communications initiatives that promote and support the Insights Association’s various initiatives, including events and a multitude of member benefits and programs. With a team of experienced colleagues, Art manages the association’s website, publications, directories and social media. He assists with curation of content featured in events, webinars and in publications. Art has worked in communications for more than two decades. He began his career as a journalist, writing for newspapers and business magazines. Later, he moved into corporate communications. Art served as Director of Marketing at Hostcentric, Inc., a $60-million-dollar web services company, Manager of Communications & Publications at Bennington College in Vermont, Executive Director of Communications at Dowling College and from 2007-2016 served as VP, Communications for CASRO. He is a graduate of Siena College.
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