Government Affairs - Articles


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​​​​​​​Legislation that would have taxed advertising, explicitly including ad measurement and effectiveness research, has died in the Nebraska legislature.
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​​​​​​​The Insights Association (IA), the leading nonprofit trade association for the market research and analytics industry, had a mixed reaction to new draft comprehensive privacy legislation proposed in the U.S. House and Senate.
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The insights industry’s public policy concerns entered March roaring like a lion, but they are not exactly leaving it like a lamb. President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address to Congress touched on a few of them, including privacy, artificial intelligence (AI) and research subjects who receive incentives. Further this month, IA is engaging with legislation and regulation on data privacy, including potential harsh restrictions on data sharing with Chinese-controlled companies and restricti...
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A new institute focused on safety in artificial intelligence (AI) is being stood up at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), under the U.S. Department of Commerce.
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President Joe Biden’s recent State of the Union Address to Congress touched on a few policy areas of concern to the insights industry, including privacy, artificial intelligence (AI) and research subjects who receive incentives.
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This month, the Insights Association focused on extensive artificial intelligence legislation at the state level, urgent developments in privacy compliance in California and Washington state, new bills on census issues (including one that would kill the ACS), the insights compliance concerns with sales taxes on SaaS and PaaS, and a couple of new telephone-related bills.
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Kicking off another year of advocacy for the insights industry, the Insights Association focused in January on proposed children’s privacy rules, a new tax bill in Nebraska, turning 529 accounts into career savings plans, a proposed tax on displacing employees with any kind of technology, and the Biden Administration’s extensive new artificial intelligence policies… and lots more!
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The Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act (S. 722, H.R. 1477) would permit certain expenses associated with obtaining or maintaining postsecondary credentials (such as licenses, certifications, or certificates) to be treated as qualified higher education expenses for purposes of 529 tax savings accounts. The bills would transform college savings plans into career savings plans.
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As the insights industry closes out 2023 on the calendar, the Insights Association looked back at our advocacy wins and losses on various consumer data privacy issues, and taxes, while checking in on legislation, regulation, and laws at the state and federal level on privacy, taxes, the independent contractor status of research subjects, and artificial intelligence.
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As phishing emails circulated across the insights industry this week, the Insights Association reminds everyone to stay vigilant with every communication they receive and avoid falling prey to scams.
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