A step-by-step guide to logging into and using the Insights Association members-only community Discussion Boards.
1. Insights Association members may access the IA Discussion Boards by going to https://engage.insightsassociation.org OR through the IA website by going to "Membership" in the menu bar and the submenu “Discussion Boards (Members Only)”.
IA Discussion Boards home page – not logged in.
Accessing the sub-menu for the Discussion Boards on the IA website.
2. Login to https://engage.insightsassociation.org/ to access the Discussion Boards. If you are already logged into insightsassociation.org as an IA member, you will be logged into the Discussion Boards. Check the upper right corner of your screen. If you see an image graphic, you're signed in. If you see a "Sign In" link like in the first image above, click it to login to https://engage.insightsassociation.org/. You'll be returned to the IA Discussion Boards once you've logged into https://engage.insightsassociation.org/ with your IA member username (your email) and password.
IA login page
3. The first time you login to the IA Discussion Boards, you will be asked to agree to the Community Rules. Please read and agree to participate.
4. Once you're logged in, start participating! View the Latest Discussions, search using the search bar on the top right-hand corner, check on the communities in which you’re already a member using the My Communities submenu under Communities, or all the communities into which you’re eligible using the All Communities submenu under Communities. (Some communities are closed to certain member-types, like Company Member representatives, or Corporate Researchers, while others are only for certain Chapters, or Chapter or Committee leaders)
View latest discussions
Search using the search bar on the top right-hand corner
See My Communities or All Communities
5. You should also build out your personal profile on the IA Discussion Boards by clicking on your graphic in the top right-hand corner of the screen and clicking on Profile, then filling in your details like Job History, Bio and Education. Finally, remember to upload a profile photo, and add your social media links (like your LinkedIn page and Twitter handle).
Click on the top right-hand corner graphic to see your Profile link
Then click it and fill out your profile details
Upload a profile photo
And add your social media links, like your Twitter and LinkedIn profiles
6. Finally, contribute your own post or reply to an existing discussion. The easiest way to jump in is by introducing yourself to the All Members community by replying to the latest “How did you get into research?” discussion; look for the Reply button on the right-hand side. You can also Recommend an existing response/post. Or, post your own new message to get a good discussion going in a given community.
Reply to a discussion, or Recommend someone else’s post
Reply to "How did you end up in research?"
Post a new message
7. No matter if you are adding a new Discussion or replying to a Discussion, your Post window will look like the screenshot below. The editing tools will be familiar to you from other text editing software. You can paste text into the post window if you'd like to use a different text editor to create your post text. Note that you can post a Discussion to several of your Communities at once, but the default is set to one Community at a time. Adjust your signature if needed and click the "Send" button to submit your post. Please remember that posts should be conversational/informative -- promotional posts will be removed.
Post window